属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-美国签证禁令坑了谁?
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-美国签证禁令坑了谁?
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-农药可能会伤害蜜蜂
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-英国最高法院裁定约翰逊政府暂停议会非法
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-跨太平洋伙伴关系协定被认为难获美国国会通过
1 | 香蕉是典型的易腐商品。“易腐”在这里是指贮存时间稍长就会腐烂的商品。 | Bananas are a typical example of perishable goods by "perishable" we mean goods which cannot be stored for any length of time without going bad. | |
2 | 向工程所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申报该工程的项目名称、施工场所和期限、 | to the competent administrative department for environmental protection of the local people’s government at or above the county level the name of the project, the construction site, the length of time needed for completion of the project, | |
3 | 需要完成工作的时间长短. | the length of time needed for the work | |
4 | 一种电路,它将脉冲信号的发送或传感器的执行延迟一个给定的时间长度。 | A circuit that delays the transmission of an impulse signal, or the performanceof a transducer, for a definite desired length of time | |
5 | 有些人的成功常常让周围的人大惑不解,因为他们似乎从来没有工作,或者没有持续很长时间地工作。 | The success of some men bewilders those around them because they never seem to work, or to work for any length of time . | |
6 | 在本条之意义范围内及为执行本条之规定,倘即期汇票票面显示业经流通一段不合理期间,则视作过期论。 | A bill payable on demand is deemed to be overdue, within the meaning and for the purposes of this section, when it appears on the face of it to have been in circulation for an unreasonable length of time . | |
7 | 在这段漫长的时间里,她已经饱尝痛苦与欢乐、开心与伤心及生生死死。 | In that length of time she has become intimately acquainted with pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, life and death. | |
8 | 这对我们两人来说都是十分困难的事,我们自结婚以来还从未有过一时半刻的分离。 | This was hard for both of us; in all our married life we had never been separated for any length of time . | |
9 | 这些生物要变成石油,必须被密封在岩石之中很长时间。 | For there creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time . | |
10 | H-4签证有效期跟H-1B签证相同。2019财年,美国国务院发放了近12.6万张H-4签证。超过10.6万张发给了印度公民。 | An H-4 visa is good for the same length of time as the H-1B visa. In the 2019 fiscal year, the State Department approved nearly 126,000 H-4 visas. Over 106,000 were for citizens of India. | |
11 | 最后,L-2 签证适用于L-1签证持有者的家属。L-2签证有效期与L-1签证相同。2019财年,美国国务院发放了大约8.1万张L-2签证。其中最高的2.3万张发给了是印度公民。 | Finally, L-2 visas are for the dependents of L-1 visa holders. An L-2 visa is good for the same length of time as the L-1 visa. In the 2019 fiscal year, the State Department approved about 81,000 L-2 visas. The largest number -- some 23,000 -- went to Indian citizens. | |
12 | ||1:我认为它是很多小东西汇集而成。||2:我不认为有确凿证据。||3:但目前有分歧,一些人认为只有一个原因。||4:也许是我没受到足够的教育,我也不知道这些。但是我的观点是,如果你能在里面游泳,它可能就是安全的。||5:而我不知道他们目前推出的很多东西,会不会有人进去游足够长时间,然后出来说,‘哇,很好,我感觉好多了。’” | ||1:What I felt it was, was a compilation of a lot of little things.||2:I didn’t feel that there was probably one smoking gun.||3:But there’s a division there, some people feel that it is just one thing.||4:Maybe I’m just not educated enough, I don’t know, but my view is, if you can take a bath in it, it’s probably safe.||5:And I don’t know many of the things that they’re putting out right now that anybody would come out of a bath in for any length of time and go, ‘Wow, that was great, I feel much better!’ | |
13 | ||1:最高法院的这起案件涉及了首相和议会的权力和责任。||2:高院审理了约翰逊今年8月要求女王将议会休会大约5个星期是否行为合法。||3:时间长短非常重要,因为英国被要求在10月31日前退出欧盟。||4:届时议会将会无法讨论该问题或从制定新的法律。 | ||1:The Supreme Court case involves the rights and responsibilities of the prime minister and parliament.||2:The court considered whether Johnson acted lawfully when, in August, he advised the queen to suspend Parliament for about five weeks.||3:The length of time was important because Britain is required to withdraw from the EU by October 31.||4:Parliament would then not be able to discuss the issue or make new laws. | |
14 | 哈奇对美国公司旗下药品和生物制品的专有权有效期长度并不满意,这其中包括药品和基因工程产品。 | Hatch is not happy about the length of time U.S. companies would keep exclusive rights to their drug and biological products. These include drugs and genetically engineered products. | |
15 | “晕厥”的僵尸在预定时间内不能再传染人类。 | The "stunned" zombie is not allowed to tag a human for a predetermined length of time . | |
16 | “在平常的商务活动期间,你很少有机会能和这些人共处这么长时间。” | "In the normal course of business, you rarely get access to this length of time with all these other people. " | |
17 | GA随后在指定的时间内生成事件和方法调用。 | The GAs then generated events and method invocations over a specified length of time . The questions were | |
18 | mount命令可以控制在缓存中保存这些条目的时间长度。 | The mount command controls the length of time that the entries are kept in cache. | |
19 | Timeout属性包含LdapConnection超时前的时间长度(以秒为单位)。 | The Timeout property contains the length of time , in seconds, before the LdapConnection times out. | |
20 | Timeout属性指示请求超时前的时间长度(以毫秒为单位)并引发WebException。 | The Timeout property indicates the length of time , in milliseconds, until the request times out and throws a WebException. | |
21 | 表示Web同步请求在多长时间之后过期的时间长度(秒)。 | The length of time , in seconds, before a Web synchronization request expires. | |
22 | 不管在2007年的哪个时段,国际石油价格都不太可能持续低于每桶50美元。 | International oil prices are unlikely to fall below $50 a barrel for any length of time in 2007. | |
23 | 布朗与其组织严密的团队在长期的工作中积攒下来的问题是相当复杂的。 | Mr Brown’s problems are compounded by the length of time that he and his close-knit team have had to prepare. | |
24 | 成熟度使用框架当前版本以及框架的开发所花费的时间长度来度量。 | Maturity is measured by a combination of the current version of the framework and the length of time it spent in development. | |
25 | 此参数确定当连接被关闭时,它停留在TIME_WAIT状态的时间长度。 | This parameter determines the length of time that a connection stays in the TIME_WAIT state when it is being closed. | |
26 | 此参数指定可以录制的邮件的最长时间。 | This parameter specifies the maximum length of time that messages can be recorded. | |
27 | 此处的会话被定义为从承载托管HTMLDOM的应用程序启动到应用程序关闭之间的时间长度。 | Session is defined as the length of time from when an application hosting the managed HTML DOM starts until the application closes. | |
28 | 此信息有助于解决复制问题,如果复制所需的时间可能非常长,此信息尤其有用。 | This information can help you to troubleshoot replication issues, especially if replication seems to take an unusual length of time . | |
29 | 此属性主要用于确定事务是否已创建了相当长的时间。 | This property is mainly used to determine if the transaction has been created for a substantial length of time . | |
30 | 从实际角度来看,人们能够坚持禁食方案多长时间目前还是个问题。 | From a practical standpoint, it’s unclear whether people could stick to an alternate-day fasting regimen for any length of time . |